New Study Confirms Hollywood Is Playing A Longer Game

Sir Peter Jackson makes the longest movies in Hollywood, with a median running Cinemagoers whose gut instinct or numb posteriors have prompted them to suspect Hollywood movies have gotten significantly longer over the past five years are spot on.

According to a new study the median length of the top 100 U.S.-grossing films between 1994 and 2015 was 110 minutes, and running times have increased every year for the past five years.

UK-based analyst, teacher, writer and blogger Stephen Follows found that historical films, Westerns and bios are the longest and family, animation and documentaries are the shortest.

Half of the Hollywood movies he surveyed are between 96 and 120 minutes long, and the most popular running time is 101 minutes. Films with lower budgets have shorter running times, which is probably a cost factor rather than a desire for filmmakers to be more succinct or economical in their story telling.

In his blog Follows does not seek to explain the reasons for the trend to longer movies. My guess is that speaks mostly to the power that “franchise” directors exercise over the studios, which often results in budget blows- outs and running times that drive exhibitors crazy. But the data does show audiences are willing to sit for longer periods if they feel they are fully engaged and entertained.

Don Groves – Forbes – January 19, 2016

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